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General questions relating to LSAT Logical Reasoning.
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  • Joined: Jan 22, 2024
I'm currently on lesson 7 of the on-demand course, and I'm struggling to understand method of reasoning questions. It seems like the language used in these questions is causing some confusion for me. Additionally, I often find myself answering these questions, thinking my answer is correct. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or assistance you can provide to help me improve in this area.

Furthermore, I would like to know the most effective way to review these questions after completing them. I apologize if this is not the appropriate section for my inquiry.
 Luke Haqq
PowerScore Staff
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Hi AdelbertTremblay!

Without knowing more about which language is causing you what confusion, a starting point for tackling these questions correctly is using the question stem to identify questions as method of reasoning questions. Usually the question stem will refer to the "role" or "function" that a given sentence plays in the argument.

In terms of the answer choices, they'll all center around terms with which you are likely already familiar like "argument," "premise," "conclusion," and perhaps even "subsidiary conclusion." Hopefully being aware of such similarities across answer choices will make those choices clearer and less intimidating.

I don't have much to add beyond what PowerScore's course books unpacks about this question type. I can certainly say that practice will almost certainly be helpful. That includes drilling yourself on method of reasoning questions, which should be the most useful in making you more comfortable with that type of question. In addition, since method of reasoning questions are effectively abstract must be true questions, practicing the latter can be helpful as well (especially when the must be true questions contain an argument, which many do not).

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