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  • Posts: 3
  • Joined: Mar 30, 2024
Dear Sir,

I trust you are well. I have headed this subject strongly more so just to grab attention! I am sure there is no mistake.

Surely “cannot” logical opposite is can, but the contrapositive is “must not here”. I understand why one would say “must not” if it’s a hard “at least” but surely the mistaken reversal is exceptionally acceptable here ?

Thank you so much. Also please have an app. You guys rock
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 Dana D
PowerScore Staff
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Hi there,

I'm not sure I understand your question. The logical opposite of "cannot" is "could" - so the opposite of "cannot be false" is that something "could be false."

The equivalent of "cannot be false" is that something "must be true". These phrases have the same meaning.

Does that clarify things for you?

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