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Hi all,

I know LSAC has stated there was little statistical difference between test scores with an LG section and without. But do you think law schools will judge scores of the August LSAT more strictly? From an admissions perspective, would the LSAT from August onward be considered an "easier" test? Say my target school's average LSAT score is a 170, do I now need to aim for 175+ to be competitive with the new test format?
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 Jeff Wren
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Hi Mmjd,

While I can't speak for the law schools of course, I personally would not worry about this at all.

If (hypothetically) a higher percentage of test takers score in the 170s than usual, LSAC presumably would adjust for this by tightening the scale. In other words, you may have to get more questions correct on the test in order to get a 170.

You should decide on taking June and/or August based on how prepared you currently are (or really expect to be by the June LSAT) as well as whether logic games is a personal strength or weakness relative to the other sections.
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That's reassuring thank you!

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