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  • Posts: 57
  • Joined: Apr 12, 2023
Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for answering all my questions on this forum.

I have been struggling with RC recently, I have no idea why. It was my best section, and now it's my lowest scoring. I didn't even struggle this much during my diagnostic test, when I went to it cold without having any familiarity with the LSAT.

During PTs, I used to finish the section with -0 to -3 at the most. Meanwhile I got 3 questions wrong on a single passage just now.

I do a rough viewstamp analysis in my head while reading the passage. Circle any indicators of tone and pov, and I highlight important information as I'm reading, then move on to the questions. This has always worked for me.

I don't know why I regressed and how to turn it around. I am studying full time. Any insight you could provide would be appreciated
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Update: I've listened to Episode 41 of your podcast re: reading comprehension skill tests. I'm going to try a couple passage using those skill tests to see if I can gauge where the problem is coming from. Any other recommendations would be very helpful.
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 Dana D
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Hi Mmjd,

It would be helpful for you to track what question types you are getting wrong with RC to further troubleshoot the issue. Are they main point questions? Global? Local? etc. Also, is there any correlation between passage subject or type (law passages versus comparative passages) that give you more trouble?

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