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Complete Question Explanation
(See the complete passage discussion here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=10866)

The correct answer choice is (E)

As discussed in the analysis above, the author’s main point is that the windows are thicker at the bottom because of the way in which glass was made at the time, not because of the glass’ flowing (which happens far too slowly to have been the cause). The main point can be found in the last paragraph of the passage.

Answer choice (A): Zanotto’s research serves to support the author’s main point, but is merely a supporting premise, not the main point, of the passage.

Answer choice (B): The passage does mention the increased uniformity produced by today’s glassmaking processes, but this is clearly not the main point of the passage.

Answer choice (C): This choice provides a premise that helps to support the author’s conclusion, but it is not the main point of the passage.

Answer choice (D): The flow of glass is so slow that it could not possibly be one of the factors causing the difference in thickness in some older windows, so this choice fails the Fact Test and cannot be the right answer to this Main Point question.

Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer choice, as prephrased above and detailed in the VIEWSTAMP analysis.

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