- Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:05 pm
Hi, Dlareh,
Good question. In effect, flaws of composition are related to flaws of overgeneralization, except that composition flaws replace constituent members or parts of something with the whole. In a flaw of composition, the whole is qualitatively different from its parts whereas in a flaw of overgeneralization, the parts and larger assembly of these parts are quantitatively different but not necessarily qualitatively different. You generalize about more of something than is warranted but you haven't switched into something else entirely. In this question, the Philosopher shifts from individual scientists to the "scientific community." In a similar manner, you may imagine that individual church members may be not at all charitable and concerned with caring the poor. However, the church as a whole may be very charitable or do a lot to aid the poor.
Please let me know if this clears up your question or if I may provide further explanation.