- Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:18 pm
Good question!
First, regarding what is inside or outside the scope, keep in mind the direction in which the information flows; this is a Weaken question--which one of the following, if true, weakens? That means that the correct answer choice can bring in new information.
In that one, the author says that standard archaeological techniques can determine the age of anything with vegetable matter--provided that the object in question has no carbon.
Prehistoric paintings were done with vegetable based paints, but they were done on limestone (which has carbon).
Since there is no way to take a sample of prehistoric paint without removing some of the carbon-based limestone as well, the author concludes that determining the age of those paints they way they normally do would be impossible. This is a very bold claim:
Premisee: S.A. Techniques can determine age of something with vegetable matter, but only if there is no carbon included in a sample.
Premise: Taking a sample of the paintings in question would require removing some limestone, which contains carbon.
Conclusion: Therefore there is no way that the S.A. Techniques could be used for age determination.
Again, this author is making quite a bold claim--that means that if there is any way to remove the carbon from the sample, that would refute the author's claim, as that would allow S.A. Techniques to be used to figure out the age of the paint.
Correct answer choice (B) provides that it's possible for the carbon to be removed--and this would allow the Standard Techniques to be successfully applied.
I hope that's helpful--please let me know whether this is clear--thanks!
Steve Stein
PowerScore Test Preparation