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 Dave Killoran
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Setup and Rule Diagram Explanation

This is an Advanced Linear: Unbalanced: Overloaded game.

This is a relatively easy game. The first rule can be diagrammed a double-not arrow between Vladimir and Wendy. The second rule limits each person to eating a food exactly once each day, and the third through seventh rules establish what they can eat at each meal.

Because Wendy eats an O for lunch, she cannot eat an O for a snack, and so she must eat the F. Vladimir must then eat the O for a snack. Eliminating O and F from Wendy’s options, and O from Vladimir’s options results in the following diagram:

PT17-Dec 1995 LGE-G3_srd1.png
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I am unsure about how to approach this... I am using youube to see an explanation and they are saying this is a grouping game. In the LGTT it is advanced linear.

There is more than one way to approach games?
 Brook Miscoski
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Mr. Cheese,

There can be elements of grouping in an advanced linear game. In this case, Wendy and Vlad can't share the same meal choices, and each can choose a meal choice only once. I am not worried whether you call it grouping or advanced linear, as long as your diagram is serviceable.

What you should have is something like this:

V No reps
W 0 No reps
h/p/o f/h/m/o f/h/m/o f/o
No reps No reps No reps No reps

And that should yield, initially, something like this:

V h/p f/h/m f/h/m o
W h/p 0 h/m f

Continuing with the no repetitions rule, you can create templates or possibilities by choosing from the limited options. Any way you approach it from here on out, this game will be very doable.

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