- Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:06 pm
I can understand why C is the correct response, but I don't understand why answer choice A is incorrect.
The stimulus states that the readership of magazines has increased, as has the number of financially successful magazines; the info which conflicts is that advertising revenue for the most popular magazines has decreased. I think that option A should resolve that paradox by providing an explanation why advertising revenue has decreased while other measures of magazine success have increased.
I would appreciate it if anyone could explain to me what shortcoming(s) I have missed within answer choice A. Many thanks!
The stimulus states that the readership of magazines has increased, as has the number of financially successful magazines; the info which conflicts is that advertising revenue for the most popular magazines has decreased. I think that option A should resolve that paradox by providing an explanation why advertising revenue has decreased while other measures of magazine success have increased.
I would appreciate it if anyone could explain to me what shortcoming(s) I have missed within answer choice A. Many thanks!