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My freshman year I got 1 C+ each semester. The first was for a prerequisite for my major (business calculus) and the other was a GE class (psychology). I, unfortunately, got a C in both of these classes but haven't gotten one since then. My GPA has been pretty good from a 3.5 my sophomore/junior year leading to two 4.0 semesters. Should I write an addendum as to why I got C's in those classes? How do colleges feel about this?

Any help is appreciated! Thanks
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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Prelaw,

I would definitely NOT write an addendum on this. It happens, and it was early in your academic career—they understand that low grades will occur sometimes. You would do far more damage to yourself by writing one because:

  • 1. You'd be drawing attention to a negative.
    2. It's not likely you have a compelling reason for those grades other than that you struggled or the classes were hard (which is in no way a notable thing that should be explained).
    3. Perhaps most importantly, you'd be wasting their time, and they do not appreciate that! the rule is only use addendums for special things; two Cs is not special or unusual.
So, I'd strongly advise against it. Thanks!

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