- Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:23 pm
We recently received the following question from a student. An LSAT Expert will respond below. Thanks!
I graduated from Cornell University in 2019 and am hoping to enter law school next fall. For a variety of reasons, I was unable to take an earlier LSAT. As such, I am enrolled for the January test. I am also taking the GRE in December. I have been averaging around 172-177 on my LSAT practices. My GPA is 3.99/4.3. I am applying to most T14 schools aside from my alma mater, along with UT Austin and UCLA. I would likely only attend if I were accepted at a T3 school or received close to a full scholarship from a lower ranked school. Given that these are "reach" possibilities and the fact that I will be at a significant disadvantage due to rolling admissions, is it worth applying this cycle?