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Would someone mind helping me clear up a bit of confusion on this topic for me? In the Powerscore LR Bible, in the Assumption question section there is a statement negation drill with 10 statements that are negated in the book. #7 confuses me. Here it is:
7. Statement: If the policy is implemented, the education budget will be cut.
Negation: If the policy is implemented, the education budget will not be cut.
Negate the necessary condition using "will not" or "might not."

If I were to perform the Powerscore Assumption Negation Technique to negate a 'will' statement, is it always okay to use either 'will not' or 'might not'? The book did not expand on this and left me concerned about using this technique.
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cnyberg wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:59 pm Would someone mind helping me clear up a bit of confusion on this topic for me? In the Powerscore LR Bible, in the Assumption question section there is a statement negation drill with 10 statements that are negated in the book. #7 confuses me.
As a quick administrator note, the post that this question was originally linked with is here: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=31917.
However, we moved this particular question from its original place to the subforum about the LR Bible, so that other students can more easily find the discussion about Statement Negation Drill #7.

An instructor will respond to the student's question below. Thanks!
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 Dave Killoran
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You can use either! "Might not" is technically more accurate, but in practice I have never seen the difference between the two tested on the LSAT in one of these questions :-D

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