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I took the November LSAT, and although scores have yet to be released, I was very anxious during the test which led me to perform worse than I had been performing on practice tests. Specifically, I have been PT'ing in the mid 170s, but I am excepting a score of about 168-172 on this LSAT. If I take the January LSAT, I feel confident about scoring in the mid to high 170s.

My application materials are all ready to submit, so once November scores are released on Dec 1st, I will be able to apply. However, I am striving to get large scholarships at T14 schools, so a score of 168-172 will probably not be high enough for this goal. On the other hand, I fear that even if I do score in the mid to high 170s in January, applying as late as Feb 2nd (the day in which January scores are released) would render me unlikely to even be considered for the most competitive scholarships. For reference, my LSAC GPA is slightly higher than a 4.0, and I am a nURM.

With that being said, here is my question:
Should I wait to submit my application on February 2nd, or should I go ahead and apply on December 1st, take the January LSAT, and hope that my updated LSAT score is enough to warrant a large increase in scholarship money via scholarship reconsideration, or some other process?

I apologize for the long message, but I felt as if there was a lot of important background information that was relevant to my question. Thank you for reading, and any insight would be greatly appreciated, as I am pretty stressed.

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 Stephanie Oswalt
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Hi Jim,

Thanks for the post! Hang tight until scores are released tomorrow— you may score better than you were expecting! It's common to feel anxious during the test and to doubt your score after. A lot of students score better than they think they will. :-D

With that being said, if you don't reach your score goal, I would take the January test! Taking the January LSAT is absolutely worth it if you're confident you can achieve a higher score. We consistently advise that applying with a higher score is almost always preferable to applying earlier with a lower score.

What you can do, however, is submit your application now with your November score and notify schools that you registered for a retake in January. It depends on the school whether they render a decision with your initial score or hold your application until the new (January) score is received. Thus, also request the action you prefer: either ask schools to review immediately with the score on record or hold until your new LSAT score arrives.

As to how you can let schools know you’re retaking and requesting they hold off until new scores are in–there are a number of possibilities. Some schools have an area on the application form to note that information. Or, they may give you specific instructions on how to do it. For others, you need to email them to alert them of the retake. In any case, make sure they are notified in some fashion!

Even if you’re accepted with your first score, you’ll want them to review your file again if you improve your score in case you qualify for any additional financial aid.

And to that last point, it won't harm your application if you have a pending retake, especially if you're confident you can increase your score. :)

I hope this helps! Thanks!

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