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  • Posts: 167
  • Joined: May 21, 2013
I don't understand how the author determined that the number of non-obese children has increased?

I have read all of the explanations and what not, but they seem to deal with specific numbers which this question doesn't do.
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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Sara,

Good to hear from you! The explanation uses specific numbers as a way to show how the theory in the question works. So, while the question itself doesn't talk about numbers aside from the 85% figure, because this is a challenging question a lot of people have a hard time understanding the abstract nature of what is occurring, and I tried to make it more concrete by using examples.

The gist of this question comes down to the fact that they use a percentage--the top 15 percent of all kids--to define obesity. If there are more kids in that 15% obese group than there were before, then the overall size of the group of all kids must be growing. And, if the overall size of the group of all kids is growing, then the 85% non-obese kids group must be getting bigger too. Consider that point, and then look again at that lengthy explanation--it uses hard numbers to try to make that same point :-D

Please let me know if that helps. Thanks!
  • Posts: 167
  • Joined: May 21, 2013
thanks that helps! :)

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