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  • Posts: 16
  • Joined: Nov 09, 2013
Hello all,

Have been preparing since August...I started with 130 and now I am at 145. I am having problems with timing and my nerves get the best out of me especially during logic games.

This is what I got on my last two practice tests:

Last test, 146

LR: 14 correct on both sessions. First section I got to answer 1-15, 17 and guessed the rest because of timing. Second section I got to answer 1-15, and guessed the rest. Got right 14.

LG: Got right 10, essentially got one set up correct with the corresponding questions.

RC: Got 12 correct. Read only two paragraphs. Scanned through the 3rd paragraph with last 5 minutes but was able to answer the 1st question correctly.

On the previous test, 145

LG: Only 5 correctly (a mess). When I got home, I was able to get two problems but during testing i got nervous.

LR: Got 13 correct but was able to cover until question 19. Guessed the rest because of timing.

RC: Got 17 correctly. Read two and scan the third one really quick just answering the 1st question correctly.

LR 2: Got 12 correct. Got to #16. Guesses the rest because of timing.

What do you recommend I do to improve my scoring from now till Saturday? Thanks a million! Anahi
 Nikki Siclunov
PowerScore Staff
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  • Posts: 1362
  • Joined: Aug 02, 2011
Hi Anahi78,

Thanks for your question, and good job on jumping 15 points already! Others may have a different take on what you should be focusing on for the next five days, but my immediate reaction is - GAMES! Compared to the other sections on the test, your accuracy level in the LG section is the lowest, and way below average as a whole. Depending on what resources you have available to you, I'd focus on the respective lessons in the FL course books (especially Lesson 1, 3, 4, 5, 9). You need to improve your basic conceptual understanding of how to set up various game types, identify power variables, make inferences, etc. I suspect you aren't using templates efficiently (if at all), and - judging from your speed - fail to make many of the basic inferences that would allow you to go through the questions a lot faster. I'd focus on Linear/Sequencing/Advanced Linear games for now, maybe do a few Grouping Games tomorrow. Look carefully at how *we* approach the games, the deductions we make, etc. and try to emulate this approach as much as possible.

I don't think there is much value in taking yet another practice test. But, if you manage to do just one more game in the time allowed, this alone could propel you to the 150's range.

Good luck!

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