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Complete Question Explanation

The correct answer choice is (D).

Answer choice (A):

Answer choice (B):

Answer choice (C):

Answer choice (D): This is the correct answer choice.

Answer choice (E):

This explanation is still in progress. Please post any questions below!
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So I chose B on this after leaving it and coming back because nothing was jumping out.

As I reread B now with a clear head I understand how incredibly stupid it is. But it was a POE to get to B for me. D was perfect but I didn't like it's use of "certain" invertebrates. I know that's def more supported than anything in B - at least now I see it - but I used the line references of 7-12 to get rid of D. "Numerous case of crustaceans and other invertebrates" and I know numerous is also not indicative of a large sum (by lsat logic) but at the time I just thought the two to be different.

What can I do to avoid over thinking details like this? I thought leaving and coming back would clear my head and it somewhat did because I was going to chose C..but still chose another incorrect answer.
 Robert Carroll
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I think the key is not to get caught up in certain wording. There are many ways to express exactly the same concept in English, and your prephrase is probably going to state the correct answer in a different way. It's natural to feel a jarring contrast between your wording and the wording of the correct answer, but this is why you shouldn't put much stock in specific words - it's all about the meaning, not the specific words chosen. This comes up in Logical Reasoning also - the stimulus may state that "most things" have a certain quality, whereas the correct answer choice says that "more than half" of those things have the quality. The point of a prephrase is an idea, not the specific wording of the concrete embodiment of that idea.

When you have trouble selecting any answer choice for a Main Point question, think to yourself "What's another way to state the Main Point, besides my initial prephrase?" This will allow you to see what matters - the similarity between your initial prephrase and your restatement, which ultimately should be similar to the correct answer choice (and no other).

Robert Carroll

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