Hi amus,
Yes, one of the ways that the test makers can increase the difficulty on RC passages is to include several tempting wrong answers to the questions. This is exactly why we recommend prephrasing, which is simply trying to come up with your own answer based on the passage prior to looking at the answer choices. A good prephrase will help you eliminate wrong answers more easily and usually make the right answer easier to spot. Of course, learning to prephrase is a skill that takes practice.
As for question 14 (the first question of the passage), here is a link to our discussion of this question.
As you correctly pointed out, Answer A is a just detail in the passage, but not the main point. This is a common feature of many wrong answers for Main Point questions. This passage is about the differences in Native American and European forms of autobiographies (as described in Answer D), and Native American views on identity is just a part of that larger discussion.