- Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:48 pm
The problem with answer E, LSAT2020, is that it doesn't matter how the public reacted to Smith's paper. We still need to find an alternate cause for the other scientists writing their opposition papers, and answer E doesn't give us that unless we start to make our own assumptions about the scientists seeing a need to build public confidence back up. Don't make those assumptions!
As to your prephrase, a broad one is generally best, because it casts a wide enough net to catch any specific prephrase that fits under it. "There was some other reason besides feeling threatened" is a great prephrase here, but we have to be ready to accept ANY answer that offers even one such reason. Answer C does just that - it suggests the reason could have been a genuine desire to spread the truth. But we could also have selected an answer that said they wrote those papers because they were paid by the government to help improve their image, or one that said they did it because they were worried about a loss of public confidence, or that they didn't feel at all threatened by just generally disliked Smith and wanted to ridicule him for fun. Any alternate motivation on their part would fit under the broad prephrase of "some other reason," and so as with most Weaken or Flaw question based on causal arguments we should be happy to select an answer that offers even a single alternate cause.
Adam M. Tyson
PowerScore LSAT, GRE, ACT and SAT Instructor
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