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Complete Question Explanation

The correct answer choice is (A).

Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer choice.

Answer choice (B):

Answer choice (C):

Answer choice (D):

Answer choice (E):

This explanation is still in progress. Please post any questions below!
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In this question, I had a or b as the final contender.

i cannot separate A or B but went with B cuz the passage didn't say the second part of the answer choice a) carbohydrate-rich over protein-rich snacks in a text.

this is my confusion: in line 58-60, the test clearly states "In contrast, those who do not crave carbohydrates become sleepy following a high-carbohydrate meal." which is same as b_ subjects would probably become sleepy after a carbohydrate-rich meal.
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Hi lathlee,

The answer is to be found in the two preceding sentences to the one that you cite beginning with "In contrast..." Here the causality of the craving is discussed indicating that the blocking of the serotonin would have the effect of increasing the craving. The passage does not go so far as to indicate that with the increased craving would make the person feel sleepy. That is why Answer Choice (A) is correct and Answer Option (B) is unsupported.

Thanks for the great question and I hope this helped!
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Hi, I was stuck between A and E and incorrectly chose E. Where can we find support for A, where it says they would show a "preference" for carb snacks rather than protein snacks?
 Adam Tyson
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Try looking at these lines, starting around line 11, bk1111:
drugs that block serotonin-mediated transmission often have the opposite effect: they often induce carbohydrate craving and consequent weight gain.
For more about the protein vs carb preference, check out the entire discussion of rat behavior beginning around line 36 and you'll see that, while rats usually alternate between the two, when you block serotonin they keep going for the carbs instead of alternating.

There's no evidence in the passage that blocking serotonin increases the desire for proteins, so answer E has to be a loser. A is the best one, and the winner!
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Hoping you could clarify why A is supported by the text. A an dB were my final two contenders, but I chose B because the information about carbohydrate vs protein-rich snacks was in reference to rat subjects, not humans. I now see why B would be incorrect, but I still hesitate to see A since we have to make a jump between findings for rats and humans that the text does not explicitly say are 1:1 transferable (just that in general carb cravings would increase, without any mention of comparative cravings between carbs and proteins for human subjects).
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 Dana D
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Hey there,

In line (51) of the passage there is pretty explicit support for answer choice (A). We're told that if humans are given a drug that inhibits seretonin, they crave carbohydrates.

Hope that helps!

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