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Complete Question Explanation

(See the complete passage discussion here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=14646)

Must Be True. The correct answer choice is (D)

For Must Be True questions, we should seek to eliminate all answer choices that are clearly
contrary to the information within the passage.

Answer choice (A): Since the author never discusses neurotrophic factors other than NGF, this response
is unsupported.

Answer choice (B): This answer choice is only partially accurate, and therefore incorrect. It is true that
NGF was the first neurotrophic factor to be identified, and that other such substances have since been
found. However, the passage never offers any information about the relative degree to which these
various factors are currently understood, so this answer is incorrect.

Answer choice (C): The passage only deals with the scientist’s discovery of NGF. While there is
discussion of other such factors, there is no reference to her having discovered them. This answer choice is thus unsupported and incorrect.

Answer choice (D): This is the correct answer choice. In the first paragraph, the author describes NGF
as the first such agent discovered, and that neurotrophic factors regulate nerve cell survival as well as
“some specialized functions.” Since these further functions are not specified within the passage, and the
role of NGF as discussed seems to be relevant only to growth and survival, the assertion in this answer
choice seems quite likely.

Answer choice (E): Since the experiments discussed in the passage only concern NGF with respect to
nerve growth, there is no reason to assume that the observed effect were caused by other neurotrophic
factors. Other factors certainly might have come into play, but we cannot assume that this was the case.
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This one is really throwing me.

I don't get how D can be right while B cannot.

If NGF was the first one identified, wouldn't it be that by elimination ANY knowledge of any other neurotrophic factor would make it so that they are more thoroughly understood?

If D is correct and it can he inferred that other neutrophic factors are performing functions other than that of NGF, wouldn't that imply the existence of a more thorough understanding?
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 Dana D
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Hey Kmcke,

I'm not sure I understand your first question, but as for the second, the key is in the first passage. The author says the survival and function of nerve cells is the responsibility of neurotropic factors. NGF is one example of a neurotropic factor, and it was the first discovered, but the plural use of "factors" and "first of these agents" tells us there are others besides NGF. This paragraph also tells us neurotropic factors perform nerve cell function and 'other special functions.'

Hope that helps!
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THank you so much Dana, that makes sense. I think my first question was confusing as I misunderstood the passage.
Dana D wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 4:43 pm Hey Kmcke,

I'm not sure I understand your first question, but as for the second, the key is in the first passage. The author says the survival and function of nerve cells is the responsibility of neurotropic factors. NGF is one example of a neurotropic factor, and it was the first discovered, but the plural use of "factors" and "first of these agents" tells us there are others besides NGF. This paragraph also tells us neurotropic factors perform nerve cell function and 'other special functions.'

Hope that helps!

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