- Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:24 pm
Complete Question Explanation
Parallel Reasoning-SN. The correct answer choice is (C)
The conditional reasoning in this stimulus can be summarized as follows:
Answer choice (B): Use the Conclusion Test to eliminate this answer choice. We are looking for a conclusion that states "either A or B." Here the conclusion is in the form of "A and B." Virtually everything else about this answer choice matches the argument in the stimulus, which is why it is a commonly chosen decoy answer. Always make sure the conclusion test is satisfied in the correct answer.
Answer choice (C): This is the correct answer choice. The combination of the two first premises produces an additive inference stating, "beta-carotene is safe in large doses." The third premise denies this conclusion. As a result, either the first premise is not true ("not all vitamins are safe in large doses") or that the second premise is not ("beta-carotene is not a vitamin"). Since this line of reasoning is a perfect match of the argument contained in the stimulus, this answer choice is correct.
Answer choice (D): The conclusion test can be used to quickly eliminate this answer choice.
Answer choice (E): The premise test can be used to quickly eliminate this answer choice, because it does not contain two premises (A→ B and BC) that can be combined to produce an additive inference of the type A C.
Parallel Reasoning-SN. The correct answer choice is (C)
The conditional reasoning in this stimulus can be summarized as follows:
- Premise (1):
Work of art
Evoke Intense Feelings
Premise (2):This sculpture
.....Work of art
Sub Conclusion:This sculpture
Evoke Intense Feelings
- Premise (3):
This sculpture
Evoke Intense Feelings
- Conclusion:
Either Premise (1) or Premise (2) is wrong
Answer choice (B): Use the Conclusion Test to eliminate this answer choice. We are looking for a conclusion that states "either A or B." Here the conclusion is in the form of "A and B." Virtually everything else about this answer choice matches the argument in the stimulus, which is why it is a commonly chosen decoy answer. Always make sure the conclusion test is satisfied in the correct answer.
Answer choice (C): This is the correct answer choice. The combination of the two first premises produces an additive inference stating, "beta-carotene is safe in large doses." The third premise denies this conclusion. As a result, either the first premise is not true ("not all vitamins are safe in large doses") or that the second premise is not ("beta-carotene is not a vitamin"). Since this line of reasoning is a perfect match of the argument contained in the stimulus, this answer choice is correct.
Answer choice (D): The conclusion test can be used to quickly eliminate this answer choice.
Answer choice (E): The premise test can be used to quickly eliminate this answer choice, because it does not contain two premises (A→ B and BC) that can be combined to produce an additive inference of the type A C.