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 Dave Killoran
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Just an FYI for all October 2013 LSAT takers: Jon Denning and I will be conducting a free post-LSAT review on Tuesday night at 8 PM Eastern.

We will talk a bit about the test and its overall difficulty (we won't break any LSAC guidelines or disclosure rules, of course!), the Experimental section, and how to determine whether to keep your score or cancel, as well as few other relevant items.

If you are interested, please sign up at:


We look forward to seeing you Tuesday night. In the meantime, relax today and get ready to destroy the LSAT tomorrow! :-D

Have any questions? Please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks!
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Hi Dave,

Will the review session be recorded so that it can be watched later as well? I am registered for tonight's session but due to an emergency at work there is a good chance I won't make it home in time to participate. I'd still love the info, and forgive me if the answer is already posted somewhere but I didn't see it.

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 Dave Killoran
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Yes it will! So, if you sign up for the session, you will get a link to the recording (after the class has ended) even if you do not attend.

Please let me know if that helps. Thanks!
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I couldn't make Tuesday's session, but I'd like to have the recording. Is it also possible to email you about my questions on the October LSAT? My email is I think I've decided not to delete my score, but I'd like to talk it over some more just in case.

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 Dave Killoran
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Hi Christine,

That link should have gone out to you on Wednesday. However, I will have it resent to you.

You are welcome to ask me questions directly about the test, but be forewarned that due to LSAC security restrictions, I cannot answer questions with much specificity until that LSAT is released. What I was able to say about that test I said in the test review :-D

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 Dave Killoran
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Hi Christine,

Fyi, the link did not originally go to you after the session because you weren't enrolled in the session. But, I have had the link sent to you this morning. Please let me know if you do not receive that email.

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Hi Dave,

I think these are general questions:

I got the LG-RC-LR-LR-RC combo. I didn't finish the last section, and it seems like it may not be experimental. The last section was also definitely harder than the first RC section. Should I cancel?

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 Dave Killoran
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Hi Christine,

Ok, that's easy enough for me to address (and in the seminar I talked about this more extensively, so check that out for more info on this point and overall). Section 2 was your experimental. Section 5 would have been the one that contained the Pathogens/Prions passage, among others, which was real.

Should you cancel? I really don't know :) That is a very difficult question for us to answer, and since we weren't there with you, we can't answer that question with any reasonable degree of certainty (and indeed, we won't answer that question for you because only you can make that decision :-D You have the most amount of information about your testing history, how the test went, and what you need for the schools that interest you).

In the seminar we talk about some tools to help you make that decision (that's in Jon's section, which began around the 40 minute mark), so I'd strongly recommend you check that segment out immediately. Not finishing a section by itself is not the kiss of death (for example, did you not finish 1 question, or 10 questions?), so you'll need to self-evaluate and check our predicted scoring scale (also in the seminar) to see how happy you might be with your range of possible scores.

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Would you mind sending me a link, as well? I registered for the seminar and wasn't able to view it live. However, I have not received a link to the recorded version. I would appreciate it.

Thank you,
 Morgan O'Donnell
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Hi James,

I will have this link sent to you today! Please keep an eye on your Yahoo account. Let me know if you need anything further!!


Morgan O'Donnell

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