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  • Posts: 1
  • Joined: Sep 13, 2014
Hi, I'm a senior taking the LSAT in two weeks September 27th, I have been studying on and off for the LSAT without consistency for the past 6 months. My first diagnostic test score was a 148 after practicing for two days my score jumped up to a 152. I have been using all the powerscore bibles, and over the months I have had a wide array of scoring, the highest being 157 and the low being 148 and everything in between lacking any consistency. I really want to get into Wisconsin's law school their LSAT range being 157-163 median 161 I believe. I am really trying to get a 160 on the LSAT to have a good shot at getting in, but have never attained a 160 in practice. I cannot commit to cramming 8 hour days of studying in for these last two weeks as i am taking 16 credit hours and have a part time job that requires roughly 20 hours. I can realistically probably put in 4-5 hours a day max for studying for the lsat consistently for these last two weeks. I just took a practice LSAT today 9/13 that was disappointing as I scored a 150. My analytical section always scores dismal the range being usually 9-15 my logical reasoning sections usually range from 14-18 and my reading comprehension section is always above 20. I have a GPA of 3.7 and am an LGBT student from a rural area, but not from Wisconsin, as far as the diversity factor goes. I have two questions, is it realistic to expect if I cram for these last two weeks I could see my score jump from a 150 to a 160? Second, if I don't manage to score 160 and instead am in the 155-157 range would I have a realistic shot at getting into UW law school?
 Ron Gore
PowerScore Staff
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Hi CJ,

To answer your second question first:
cjg1 wrote:if I don't manage to score 160 and instead am in the 155-157 range would I have a realistic shot at getting into UW law school?
the best I can tell you is that according to LSAC's site, you have a slightly less than 50% chance of admission to UW based on just your UGPA and your hypothetical LSAT score. That doesn't take into consideration diversity factors and, unfortunately, I can't give you any real insight into how UW will take into account your particular diversity factors.

As to your first question:
cjg1 wrote:it realistic to expect if I cram for these last two weeks I could see my score jump from a 150 to a 160
I'd have to say it appears to be unlikely. While it is true that very often people who have been studying consistently make huge gains in the last couple of weeks, that is because the work that they have done coalesces. Cramming in the short term doesn't help a great deal for the LSAT, because it is a test about how you think, rather than about what you know.

If you haven't been working consistently over a significant period of time, then you don't have the foundation necessary to let things coalesce in the last few days before the test. That doesn't mean that it is impossible for you to get the improvement you're looking for, but I can't say that it is likely, either. However, with consistent work it is certainly possible for you to get the improvement you want and more by the December LSAT. If you think that you will have the time to devote to study for that test, then I would encourage you to consider that option.

In any event, preparing for the LSAT is something that requires consistent, concerted effort. Your initial jump after just a few days of effort indicates you have the capacity for significant improvement. In any event, I wish you the best of luck in your study.


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