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General questions relating to the LSAT or LSAT preparation.
  • Posts: 1
  • Joined: Oct 06, 2014
I'm currently signed up for an LSAT class that meets 2-3 times weekly and is starting this saturday. I just found out I have 2 school related activities that will cause me to miss 2 classes. What is the policy regarding missing classes? I know at some point I read about one, but I can't find the same information.
 Morgan O'Donnell
PowerScore Staff
  • PowerScore Staff
  • Posts: 67
  • Joined: Jun 25, 2012
Hi dmp1323!

The good news is that there is no penalty for missing class (although we discourage it when at all possible ;) ). If you know what classes you are going to miss, we can make a note of it in your account, and we can give you some pointers on things to do in order to keep up with any missed lecture (for example, there are online recaps to each lesson, and we can point you in the right direction to find those in your Online Student Center—those helpfully cover the concepts in any class you miss!).

Please let me know what class you're currently enrolled in and if you have the dates already, I can take a look and suggest some things to do to stay current in your Lessons!

Look forward to hearing from you,

Morgan O'Donnell
PowerScore Test Prep

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