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Hi Powerscore,

I am a student registered for the dec. 6th lsat, however I am not reaching my target score of 160-ish (150-163). I am currently scoring around a 154 (and from what i've read, usually we score three points lower on the actual test than PTs score, so i'm worried that on test day i might score even lower). The biggest issue is that i cannot finish the sections (LR, RC, LG) under the timed conditions. When i do untimed PTs, i score around a 158-160. I feel that i am not ready for the test, and that i would be to improve with more study. So i'm just wondering whether i should take the test no matter what (i've never taken the lsat before), or whether i should postpone it to feb 2015? I am an engineering student looking to attend a top tier (50) US law school next fall 2015. Preferably, i do not want to delay attending law school until next cycle, as i have graduated this summer 2014, and i am already taking a year off to prepare for law school.

Thanks a lot in advance for your suggestions!!
 David Boyle
PowerScore Staff
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aliu0204 wrote:Hi Powerscore,

I am a student registered for the dec. 6th lsat, however I am not reaching my target score of 160-ish (150-163). I am currently scoring around a 154 (and from what i've read, usually we score three points lower on the actual test than PTs score, so i'm worried that on test day i might score even lower). The biggest issue is that i cannot finish the sections (LR, RC, LG) under the timed conditions. When i do untimed PTs, i score around a 158-160. I feel that i am not ready for the test, and that i would be to improve with more study. So i'm just wondering whether i should take the test no matter what (i've never taken the lsat before), or whether i should postpone it to feb 2015? I am an engineering student looking to attend a top tier (50) US law school next fall 2015. Preferably, i do not want to delay attending law school until next cycle, as i have graduated this summer 2014, and i am already taking a year off to prepare for law school.

Thanks a lot in advance for your suggestions!!
Hello aliu 0204,

That is a tough question which I can't definitively answer. I'm sure you'll be putting a lot of thought into it.
Schools do not always like to receive February scores. Also, they may already have admitted a lot of their students by February.
On the other hand, what if you get a much better February score, than you would have a December score? It's always a gamble.

You may not like the idea of taking another year (or even a semester) off; but if it might realistically help you get a better score, it's always an option.
One thing you can do is take another practice test, or even more than one, over the next few days, as you also simultaneously do whatever theory studies or drills you think may help you improve. If you get better scores than you were previously getting, it could be wise to go ahead and take the December test after all.

Best of luck, and do think carefully about what you are going to do (and feel free to seek counsel from, e.g., old professors of yours, or friends of yours who are actually in law school, etc.),

Hope this helps,
  • Posts: 6
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Thanks a lot for the reply!!

I have read one post posted previously by another student who was asking whether he should take the dec or feb test on this discussion forum. From what I've understood, he seems to have emailed the top tier schools and all of them said that they accept feb scores, will have accepted many students already, but that there will still have seats. Some powerscore staff advised him to take the feb lsat over the dec one, because they say that he'll get a better score. Is this student in a similar situation than me (also looking for fall 2015 enrollment)?

Personally I feel that I would for sure be able to improve by at least five points if I take the feb test. My accuracy is okay (can reach 160), the only problem is my speed, which is what drags down my score...

I know that waiting for another year would be an option, but this would mean that after I finish my lsat next year and apply by the fall, I would have to wait an entire year again to begin school, and this would by kind of inconvenient for me, as I am an international student (not from North America).

Have you had students in my situation previously? Have you had students applying with feb scores and getting accepted into top tier schools? I am wondering whether enrolling in your full package application service would help me increase my chances of admission by submitting a top notch application? Tuition is not the biggest problem for me, so I don't necessarily need scholarships (if that may increase my admission chances slightly...), and I've graduated from a top 20 university, with distinction, according to us news world rankings.
 David Boyle
PowerScore Staff
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aliu0204 wrote:Thanks a lot for the reply!!

I have read one post posted previously by another student who was asking whether he should take the dec or feb test on this discussion forum. From what I've understood, he seems to have emailed the top tier schools and all of them said that they accept feb scores, will have accepted many students already, but that there will still have seats. Some powerscore staff advised him to take the feb lsat over the dec one, because they say that he'll get a better score. Is this student in a similar situation than me (also looking for fall 2015 enrollment)?

Personally I feel that I would for sure be able to improve by at least five points if I take the feb test. My accuracy is okay (can reach 160), the only problem is my speed, which is what drags down my score...

I know that waiting for another year would be an option, but this would mean that after I finish my lsat next year and apply by the fall, I would have to wait an entire year again to begin school, and this would by kind of inconvenient for me, as I am an international student (not from North America).

Have you had students in my situation previously? Have you had students applying with feb scores and getting accepted into top tier schools? I am wondering whether enrolling in your full package application service would help me increase my chances of admission by submitting a top notch application? Tuition is not the biggest problem for me, so I don't necessarily need scholarships (if that may increase my admission chances slightly...), and I've graduated from a top 20 university, with distinction, according to us news world rankings.
Hello aliu 0204,

You're welcome!
Again, I have no 100% guaranteed advice. I have dealt with various types of students, though I do not remember offhand whether I have had students with Feb. scores and getting into top schools. I'm sure that has happened to somebody, though. (Also, I cannot say that that one other student you mentioned is in the exact same situation as you, though there seem to be some similarities.)
Enrolling in the application service could be helpful, so feel free to check it out. (I handle mostly the "LSAT logic" end of things, but there are others at PowerScore who may be even more familiar with some application issues than I am.)
As for which test to take: all I can say is that you can try taking a practice test or two over the next day, and then think about what "gamble" you will take, whether taking the test in December, or in February. Good luck!

Hope this helps,

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