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I was wondering, how much extra time ( if any) should I be giving myself when taking a full length practice LSAT?

I am not scheduled to take the LSAT until October 2015 and I recently received time and a half accommodations on the GRE which i plan on taking in March. My goal was to schedule the GRE in March so I could send LSAC the paperwork far in advance in case they had any questions or wanted further documentation.

Should I give myself 53 minute sections ( time and half) now, or should I go for standard time in PT's until i get official word back from LSAC ? Another reason why I scheduled a March GRE take was so I can get an official decision from LSAC quicker regarding my extra time request

The main reason I was wondering is because since timing is such a key element of the LSAT and one reason why it is such a difficult ( but eventually learnable) exam
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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Matt,

Since we've talked about this previously, I thought I would jump in. Based on what you've said about your situation, it appears that you won't have an issue getting the extra time from LSAC, so I think that you should take your PTs with time-and-a-half. Also, accommodated test takers are NOT given an experimental, so you can skip that as well. Just take 4 section tests with time and a half, and you will get close to what you get on your actual test day.

Thanks and good luck on the tests!

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