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Gpa context question:

I finished all three bibles and I'm scheduled to take the test in October. I'm hoping to go t-14. My gpa is a 3.8, I know this isn't bad and it puts me a 75th percentile for several schools but i took some (<50%) of my classes at a community college before I transferred to a major university. I was wondering if the admissions staff would look down upon that and consider my experience easier and thus my gpa not as much of an accomplishment.

Other info: I have a masters degree in political science and I graduated undergrad magma cum laude.

Ps: thanks so much for writing the books and I can't believe Dave k takes the time to answer questions on these forums, thanks.
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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hey Dillon,

Thanks for the kind words! I really appreciate them.

The community college classes won't be an issue. The path you took is pretty normal, and it won't stand out to them as a negative. If your CC grades were considerably better than your university grades (and it doesn't seem like that is the case) then that might raise an eyebrow, but otherwise I see no issue.

Backing that up is that if your master's grades are similar, it will just look like you excel no matter what the environment.

The bottom line is that what the Adcoms want to see is a high GPA, and you've got that. Going to CC is pretty normal, and they see it all the time. You did well at each school, so don't worry about it at all.

Please let me know if that helps. And thanks again for using the books!
  • Posts: 3
  • Joined: May 27, 2015
Thanks it helps so much and I've advised all of my friends to invest in all 3 of the powerscore bibles.

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