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Complete Question Explanation

Strengthen. The correct answer choice is (A)

The stimulus explains that whales must once have lived on land, because they have the remnants of a pelvis and a newly discovered whale skeleton has hind limbs and a partial pelvis.

The assumption is that appendages and structures had to serve a purpose at some time, so rudimentary structures normally used for walking tend to indicate a possibility that the animal evolved to walk.

The questions tells you to assume the stimulus is true, and to support the conclusion that the fragile hind limbs are the remnants of limbs that land-dwelling whales had.

Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer choice. If older fossils indicate that whales once had full pelvises, that does not establish that the whales once had limbs capable of land-travel; however, that does establish a trend that makes the argument's assumption work for it. The direction in time suggests that the whales walked at some time in the past, and are gradually loosing the structures needed for walking as, well, their legs are no longer so necessary.

Answer choice (B): If no whale skeletons with land-walking capable structures have been found, that cannot support the conclusion that whales once roamed the terrestrial realm. This choice is wrong.

Answer choice (C): If scientists are uncertain about what non-functioning limbs indicate about ancestral, functioning limbs, that does not help the conclusion that ancestral whales definitely had functioning limbs. This response is wrong.

Answer choice (D): This choice may have seemed attractive; however, you are supposed to help show that whales once had limbs that made them capable of walking on land. This choice helps show that a creature can be land-dwelling without fully functional limbs, which helps show that whales may have been land-dwelling, but not that they had functional limbs. This choice is incorrect.

Answer choice (E): Whether or not dolphins have no visible indication of hind limbs is irrelevant to whether whales themselves have such indications. This choice is wrong.
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"As air breathing mammals, whales must once have lived on land and needed hind limbs..."

I cannot seem to wrap my head around this set of facts whatsoever. Nor do I quite understand the conclusion in the stem nor how to strengthen it.

Any help me with regards to how to diagram the stimulus/pick apart all the facts and make sense of them as well as elminiate wrong answer choices would be greatly appreciated!

And then to discuss how A is the best choice of the bunch!


 David Boyle
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kristinaroz93 wrote:"As air breathing mammals, whales must once have lived on land and needed hind limbs..."

I cannot seem to wrap my head around this set of facts whatsoever. Nor do I quite understand the conclusion in the stem nor how to strengthen it.

Any help me with regards to how to diagram the stimulus/pick apart all the facts and make sense of them as well as elminiate wrong answer choices would be greatly appreciated!

And then to discuss how A is the best choice of the bunch!


Hello kristinaroz93,

This is a whale of a problem (heh). I'm not sure diagramming is needed, so let's just talk our way through the problem. --Anyway, the stimulus gives a scenario where whales must once have lived on land and had a pelvis and hind limbs. But the whale fossil shows only a partial pelvis and teeny hind limbs. So what evidence can we find that the theory is correct? i.e., that once upon a time, whales had big pelvis and limbs??
Well, you probably want to look for something talking about the past, and supporting evidence. And voila, answer A provides that fairly neatly: that back in the day, whales did have big pelvises.
By contrast, B is a bad answer, sort of the opposite of A, saying, "No evidence." And answer
D attacks the theory itself, saying that seals and sea lions didn't need big hind limbs. Answer C also attacks the theory a little, saying that the "little hind limbs come from big hind limbs a way back" idea is questionable. And answer E is sort of out of scope, talking about small animals (dolphins), not whales.

Hope this helps,
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Hi David,

Thank you for your wonderful, simplistic, and clear response. It all makes sense to me now!

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Just for clarification, the first sentence is the conclusion, correct?

Had i immediately noticed that, i could have answered this question much more quickly and gotten it correct.
 Emily Haney-Caron
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Hi PositiveThinker,

Yep, that's right! Good work.
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I was between A and D. I chose D. I didn't see how A strengthened the conclusion. I'm assuming that because answer choice A brings up that it confirmed ancient whales had full pelvis. The stimulus says if an animals has a pelvis they have hind limbs. Hind limbs confirm they were able to support the elephants weight and had lived on land. I just believe this one of the questions wherever if the answer choice strengthens the conclusion a smidge its correct.
 Malila Robinson
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Hi whardy21,
Your reasoning seems to be correct (though we are talking about whales not elephants). For strengthen questions you simply need to make the argument better than it was. Sometimes this may be just a little bit better and sometimes you may make the argument 100% correct.
Hope that helps!

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