- Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:35 pm
Hi Victoria,
This is a relatively unusual main point question, since the correct answer is, as you noted, a conclusion that we could expect the stimulus author to agree with rather than something the stimulus has explicitly concluded. Thus, when you are asked to identify the main point, you can’t use the ordinary approach of analyzing the stimulus to identify the author’s main conclusion and looking for the answer choice that most closely resembles it, making this a more challenging question. In such a case, it may be helpful to think of the question type as a bit of a hybrid between Main Point and Must Be True.
If you analyze each sentence of the stimulus, you will find that every statement is a premise (or perhaps a counterpremise), and that there is really no explicit conclusion—although you know enough about what the author thinks to guess what the conclusion should be. Thus, when you are asked to choose the answer choice that “best expresses” the author’s main point, you need to make an assessment similar to what would be required by a Must Be True question and determine what the author was attempting to prove, then choose the answer choice that comes closest.
You are quite right in your discussion of answer choice (E) that the author argues that the federal government is not doing enough but doesn’t specify a solution to the problem of ridiculously low expenditures. As a result, (E) does say something that the stimulus author doesn’t state explicitly. But although the stimulus has not directly stated that the federal government should spend more on soil conservation, the author has included some value judgments among the premises that provide far stronger clues than the more objective statements of fact as to what the author wants to convince us of. We are told, for instance, that the resource of topsoil “has been ignored for too long” by the federal government, and that federal expenditures on nationwide soil conservation are “ridiculously low.” These normative statements can help us to infer what the author wants us to believe should be done—i.e., stop ignoring the topsoil and correct the ridiculously low level of expenditures. And (E) comes pretty close to that unspoken conclusion.
With respect to eliminating answer choice (D), when you encounter a word that you don’t recognize, such as “inequitable,” you can usually get some sense of its meaning based on context. Here, answer choice (D) is parsing out federal expenditures across “various states” and comparing them in some way, whereas the stimulus explicitly referred twice to total federal expenditures on a nationwide basis, without comparing across states. So even if “inequitable” is unfamiliar to you, (D) is unlikely to be correct because its reference to “various states” is making a comparison that is at odds with the discussion of federal expenditures in the stimulus as a single, nationwide entity. In those circumstances, I would look for an answer that was a better match to the presentation of the stimulus.
This was definitely a tricky question, due to the unusual form of the stimulus! I hope this helps to make sense of how this sort of question can be approached.