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So I think I got the conditionals down with this one

tax red adopted :arrow: library discontinue str. hrs.

daily str. hrs discont. :arrow: parents inconvenienced

I combined this as :if tax red adopted :arrow: parents will be inconvenienced

So the gap is b/w whether the parents will be inconvenienced doesn't necessarily mean that the tax plan will be adopted?

So my contra + was : parents will not be inconvenienced :arrow: tax plan not adopted

is this correct? So then D is the contra postive of this?
 Adam Tyson
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You're most of the way there - your diagram of the premises is perfect. The approach you are taking to analyze it, though, sounds more like a Flaw in the Reasoning approach - you're thinking about what's wrong with it. Instead, think not about what the premises don't prove, but about how you can close the gap between the premises and the conclusion.

The premises give you Tax Reduction --> Discontinue Hours --> Inconvenience. The conclusion says they won't do the tax reduction. How do we prove No Tax Reduction? Just like you did - add "No Inconvenience".

You're definitely on the right track! Well done.

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For this question I was really stuck between B and D. This is why I was so tempted by B: where did I go wrong ?

Tax reduction adopted ---> library discontinues story hrs--> parents greatly inconvenienced
Conclusion: tax reduction will not be adopted

Analysis :
We need the contapositive of the stimulus to conclude the tax will not get adopted .

B) library discontinues hrs --> parents greatly inconvenienced
If we take the contra positive of this statement we get tax will not be adopted.

D) tax reduction that would inconvenience parents --> will not get adopted .

 David Boyle
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Johnclem wrote:Hello,
For this question I was really stuck between B and D. This is why I was so tempted by B: where did I go wrong ?

Tax reduction adopted ---> library discontinues story hrs--> parents greatly inconvenienced
Conclusion: tax reduction will not be adopted

Analysis :
We need the contapositive of the stimulus to conclude the tax will not get adopted .

B) library discontinues hrs --> parents greatly inconvenienced
If we take the contra positive of this statement we get tax will not be adopted.

D) tax reduction that would inconvenience parents --> will not get adopted .


Hello Johnclem,

Answer B is more like a restatement of what the stimulus tells us, that if a package causes discontinued story hours, parents are inconvenienced. But more than that is needed here. Answer D, as Adam has discussed above, gives us a link of inconvenience to not passing the tax package, i.e., inconvenience :arrow: no adopting proposed tax package. (It was phrased above as something like "No inconvenience, so no tax package." But however it's phrased, either the way just described, or as "If it inconveniences parents, it will not be passed", it's largely the same thing.)

Hope this helps,
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My problem is that I do not see the answer choice D as "not inconvenience".
To me, there seems to be a conditional logic embedded in this. Answer choice D translates to "If it inconvenience parents, it will not be adopted.

However, the argument given is that
If tax package adopted --> discontinues the reading program
discontinues the reading program --> inconveniences parents

Conclusion: the tax package will not be adopted.

If we add the answer choice D back to the original argument, then it becomes

If tax package adopted --> discontinues the reading program
discontinues the reading program --> inconveniences parents
inconveniences parents --> tax package not adopted.

At this point, the argument does not seem to even make sense.

How did you determine that answer D should translate to "not inconveniencing parents" instead of translating it as a conditional statement?
 Jeremy Press
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Hi jdbh,

It's fine to read answer choice D as a conditional! And the way you've interpreted that conditional statement is perfect: if it would inconvenience parents, then it will not be adopted.

Here's how it works when you add that answer choice, even as a conditional, back into the argument:

Stated Stimulus Premises: The proposed tax reduction package would greatly inconvenience many parents. (We know this because of the conditional chain the premises create.)
Answer Choice D: Any package that would greatly inconvenience parents will not be adopted.
Conclusion: The proposed package will not be adopted (because it inconveniences parents, and any package that does that will not be adopted).

Perfect argument!
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I selected D primarily because I thought that it was a more exclusive answer but wouldn't E also lead to the same result with not using a tax package that would inconvenience parents? I had trouble separating them so I feel like a good explanation would help me separate similar answers in the future.
 Luke Haqq
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Hi Blondeucus!

Answer choice (D) is diagrammed as:

PI :arrow: ATY
That is, if a measure would inconvenience parents, then it will not be adopted this year.

This gets us to the conclusion that ATY. A given tax reduction would inconvenience parents--this gives us PI. When we add PI this to the above diagram, this gives us ATY.

Answer choice (E) is diagrammed as:

ATY :arrow: PI
To your question, this would not lead to the same result. It might initially look close to the contrapositive. However, The contrapositive of

PI :arrow: ATY

ATY :arrow: PI
Since the contrapositive says the same thing, it would get us to the same result.

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