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Complete Question Explanation

Parallel Reasoning-SN. The correct answer choice is (B)

This is a simple conditional linkage and contrapositive reasoning. The diagram of the stimulus is as follows:
  • Economy Recession ..... :arrow: ..... Demand Low

    Demand Low ..... :arrow: ..... Interest Rates Low

    Therefore, Interest Rates Low ..... :arrow: ..... Economy Recession
We can see that the conclusion is correct by linking the first and second premise, and drawing the contrapositive: Interest Rates Low ..... :arrow: ..... Demand Low ..... :arrow: ..... Economy Recession

Answer choice (A): Even though it is a correct reasoning in this choice, there is no conditional linkage and thus it does not parallel the stimulus.
  • Restaurant Full ..... :arrow: ..... Parking Lot Full

    Parking Lot Full ..... :arrow: ..... Restaurant Full

    Therefore, Parking Lot Full ..... :arrow: ..... Restaurant Full
As we can see, the conclusion is merely the contrapositive of the first premise, and there is no third term and conditional linkage. Thus this is not the correct answer.

Answer choice (B): This is the correct answer choice. The diagram of this answer choice is as follows:
  • Fish Ready ..... :arrow: ..... Cooked Through

    Cooked Through ..... :arrow: ..... White

    Therefore, White ..... :arrow: ..... Fish Ready
We can see that the reasoning is valid by linking the first and second premise, and finding the contrapositive. Thus it perfectly parallels the stimulus' reasoning, and is the correct answer.

Answer choice (C): This answer choice is not correct since there is no conditional linkage and a second premise.
  • Flew by Flapping Wings ..... :arrow: ..... Warm Blooded

    Therefore, Warm Blooded ..... :arrow: ..... Flew by Flapping Wings
It is not the correct answer since there is no second premise, no third term, and no conditional linkage. Thus it does not parallel the stimulus' reasoning.

Answer choice (D): In this case, even though there is conditional linkage, the conclusion is not a contrapositive of the inference, as it is for the stimulus:
  • Pleats ..... :arrow: ..... Double Material

    Double Material ..... :arrow: ..... Not Enough for Top

    Therefore, Pleats ..... :arrow: ..... Not Enough for Top
Even though there are two premises and conditional linkage, the conclusion is not a contrapositive of the inference, as it is for the stimulus. Thus this is not the correct answer.

Answer choice (E): This answer is incorrect since it is a mistaken reversal.
  • Forecasters Right ..... :arrow: ..... Inflation

    Inflation ..... :arrow: ..... Government Lose Election

    Therefore, Government Lose Election ..... :arrow: ..... Forecasters Right
As we can see, the conclusion is a mistaken reversal of the inference between the first and second premise. Thus it is not a valid reasoning and not the correct answer.

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