Hi Patrick,
You're correct that this is a weaken question.
Our goal in answering this one is to undermine Melvin's argument that the agency cannot reduce client loads. So we're looking for something that will support Cassie's position that the agency should reduce client loads by hiring more agents.
The issue with answer choice (D) is that it doesn't actually further Cassie's argument. Cassie wants to reduce client loads by hiring more agents. Answer choice (D) suggests an alternate solution (hiring more support staff) which would cut back on some of the pressure agents are feeling. However it would't result in reduced client loads or additional agents, which is what Cassie wants.
In answer choice (A), we're considering a scenario where qualified agents would actually be interested in working at the agency because their workload is more humane. Melvin might be right that hiring more agents is not feasible, but perhaps this is because well-qualified agents don't want to work at an agency that assigns a crippling client load. If the agency reduced the demands it placed on each agent like Cassie suggested, perhaps more agents would see it as a desirable place to work and accept a job offer. Answer choice (A) helps Cassie counter Melvin's suggestion that hiring more agents "isn't feasible" while still furthering her main argument that the agency should decrease client loads by hiring more agents.
I hope that clarifies things. Good luck studying!
Athena Dalton