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Complete Question Explanation

Method of Reasoning—AP. The correct answer choice is (D)

The question stem asks you to identify what role the first sentence of this stimulus plays in the argument. The phrase “after all” in the second sentence introduces a premise, the study, which shows that dogs trained with both voice commands and hand signals obey better than dogs trained only with voice commands. The first sentence is a conclusion based on this study. Even though the first sentence is not introduced with any classic conclusion indicator words, the premise indicator in the second sentence indicates that the second sentence is a reason for the first sentence. This indicates that the first sentence is concluded from the second.

Answer Choice (A): This answer choice describes a premise, which can be found in the second sentence of the stimulus, not the first.

Answer Choice (B): This answer choice refers to an assumption. An implicit assumption would be something the author left unsaid, but something the author assumed was true in arriving at his conclusion. The first sentence is an explicit conclusion, not an implicit assumption.

Answer Choice (C): The first sentence here is the conclusion of the argument, not background information. This answer choice ultimately refers to a premise that helps facilitate understanding. The first sentence in the stimulus is not a premise.

Answer Choice (D): This is the correct answer choice. This is the only answer choice describing a conclusion. The first sentence is based on the premise in the second sentence and so is clearly a conclusion.

Answer Choice (E): There is no intermediate conclusion in this stimulus. There is only one premise in the second sentence and the main conclusion in the first sentence, which is based on that premise.

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