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 Dave Killoran
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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?f=262&t=35415)

The correct answer choice is (D)

If L pilots an earlier flight than G, then L pilots flight 3 and G pilots flight 4:


Because S could co-pilot flight 4, answer choice (D) is not necessarily true and therefore correct.
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Could you help explain why answer choice (D) and not also answer choice (c) is correct for this question? For set-up for if L's flight is earlier than G's looked like this:

Pilots: F K L G
CoPilots: R/S/T R/S/T U R/S/T
Flight No: 1 2 3 4

This looks like option (C) "Either Reich's or Taylor's flight is earlier than Umlas's is also an option.


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 Jonathan Evans
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Hi, Beth,

This game generates exactly two restrictive templates:

Template α
__ _ __ U c R/S/T variable among first 3 slots
F K G L p
1 2 3 4

Template β
__ _ U _ c R/S/T variable among first 2 and 4th slots
F K L G p
1 2 3 4

For this question, you find yourself in the second template. For answer choice C, it is impossible that neither R nor T's flight be earlier than U's. In other words, is it possible that neither R nor T is earlier than U? No, it must be true that at least one of them is before U. You need at least one of them to fill one of those two flights. However, with respect to answer choice D, it is possible that S's flight is later than U's. It is not necessarily true that S's flight is before U's.

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