- Mon Oct 31, 2016 2:03 am
Can someone check to make sure if I understand why E is the correct answer? I originally did not choose E, since the stimulus did not explicitly mention anything about the original state of artificial fibers. After I went back to redo the questions I missed, I attempted to diagram part of the argument that was relevant to the correct answer choice:
CO (natural fibers are tightly curled in their original state) WHT (washed at high temperatures) S (shrink)
From that, I did the contrapositive, and inferred that "not curled" is synonymous with "straight".
S (do not shrink) WHT (not washed at high temperatures) CO (not tightly curled/straight)
Is this correct?
CO (natural fibers are tightly curled in their original state) WHT (washed at high temperatures) S (shrink)
From that, I did the contrapositive, and inferred that "not curled" is synonymous with "straight".
S (do not shrink) WHT (not washed at high temperatures) CO (not tightly curled/straight)
Is this correct?