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 Dave Killoran
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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=7106)

The correct answer choice is (C)

If 6th street is cleaned in the morning, then 6th street must be cleaned on Wednesday morning, the only available slot. If 2nd street is cleaned before 7th, then 2nd street must be cleaned on Tuesday afternoon, leaving only streets 1, 3, and 5 unassigned:
F92_Game_#3_#13_diagram 1.png
Hence, answer choice (C) is correct.
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Hi there, I just need some clarification for question 13. The stem explicitly states "maximum number of streets whose cleaning times cannot be determined". I selected 2 for this question because I assumed time was separate from day. Since we know 5 must be cleaned in the afternoon, then it follows that cleaning times for streets 1/3 cannot be determined and the answer should be 2.

Could you please explain why time refers to day and time as opposed to morning vs. afternoon?
 Alexandra Ruby
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Hi Emorden,

I believe you understood the question correctly. It is asking you what is the maximum number of streets whose cleaning slot i.e. AM or PM cannot be determined. The correct answer is 3. Streets 1, 3 and 5 canniot be precisely determined as they could be cleaned as follows:

Monday AM: 1 or 3.
Thursday PM: 1 or 3 or 5
Friday PM: 1 or 3 or 5

Hope this helps!
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I second the mentioned confusion - even in your example, you're showing Fifth street ONLY in the PM slots of all of the placeholders it can be in. Why is that? I assume that it is because the rule states Second, Fifth, and Eighth streets as being only PM possible. Therefore, out of 1st, 3rd, and 5th street, we know (and your example does reflect) that 5th street cannot be in the morning, that it can only be in the afternoon. Although I got this question correct, I immediately correlated "time" with "day & time", or rather "specific position", but I can see how I could've also assumed 2 to be the answer under the aforementioned circumstances. Can you please point me in the right (defining) direction? Thank you!
 Jeremy Press
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Hi Taisiya,

On your first question, the reason Fifth street is shown in the afternoon is because of the final rule in the game, that the crew "cleaned Second, Fifth, and Eighth streets on afternoons." So, Fifth street cannot be cleaned in the morning.

On your broader question about the language of the question stem, give the word "time" its natural meaning. "Time" naturally refers to both the day something happens and the part of the day (morning or afternoon) it happens. Unless the question stem or game gives you some reason to restrict that definition (here, the game doesn't), assume that it's including both. Since we cannot determine the specific day 5th street is cleaned, it's a street whose cleaning time cannot be determined. And since we cannot determine either the day or the time of day that 1st and 3rd streets are cleaned, they're two more whose cleaning times cannot be determined. That gives confidence that the answer here is answer choice (C), 3.

I hope this helps!


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