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 Dave Killoran
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Setup and Rule Diagram Explanation

This is an Advanced Linear: Unbalanced: Underfunded game.

This game is discussed in detail in our podcast recap of PT1 Logic Games at

J91_Game_#4_setup_diagram 1.png
The CC not blocks are a convenient way of noting that colors (“C”) cannot be identical for months or for lines.

Exactly two of the six sets of tickets must be red, and exactly one of the six sets must be purple.
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When I set up the game, I couldn't find a rule regarding "Exactly two of the six sets of tickets must be red". Is there a printing error on P4-44 for the game structure? in your answer sheet, you mentioned about this rule? I could find no where so that I have a huge problem to figure out the correct answer to the Q23.

Maybe I have missed it. :(


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 Jonathan Evans
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Hey Jane!

Great question. You're not missing a rule; what you are referring to is a deduction or inference that we have drawn based on the given rules and the structure of the game.

Since exactly one of the sets of January tickets is Red and none of the February tickets is Purple, that means that the February tickets must be drawn from Green, Red, and Yellow. Since we also know that "for each month, tickets for different lines are in different colors," we know that for February we have exactly one set of each Green, Red, and Yellow. Along with the exactly one Red January set, this gives us exactly two sets of Red tickets.

I hope this explanation helps clear this game up for you!
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Yes, very clear. Thanks, Jonathan. :lol:
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I'm seeking clarity with regard to variables allowed in January, and validation of my reasoning for variables allowed in February.

Clarity here:

My thought would be J: R, G/Y. Because P is already placed, the only remaining variables are the one required R and G/Y. Listing P seems redundant b/c once it's placed in January, it cannot be placed again in January? Why is P listed again?

Validation here:

F: G, R, Y - because no February tickets are purple, only G, R, and Y are left available to fill remaining slots.

Thank you
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Hi andbzav!

P is just listed with the January variables so that we are clear on what the 3 available colors for January are. You are correct, that P is already placed so it is somewhat redundant to have it both places. But it can be helpful to remember that there are 3 January tickets, and they are P R G/Y. Of course it's up to you exactly how you diagram it. If you prefer to only have P in position and you can still follow everything you need to about the game, that's fine!

Yes, since no February tickets are purple, the only ones left are G R Y. Have some validation!!

Hope this helps!

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Thank you for your help!
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I am still struggling to see the inference that exactly 2 sets of tickets must be red. I can see how if the Line 1 for January was Red, there must be a second red in February due to February lines having to be Red, Green or Yellow, but I am not seeing why if line 1 for February was red, why there must be another red ticket in January. Any help on this would be very appreciated.

 Adam Tyson
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There must be a set of red tickets in January, Peter, because one of the rules says so! Check the 4th rule of the game again and you'll see that. February must be Green, Red, and Yellow, because there can be no purple in February and every line must be a different color. January must be Red, Purple, and either Green or Yellow (but not both) because Purple must be in line 2 and Red must be included in one of the other two lines.

Read carefully and follow ALL the rules! ;=)
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Hi Adam,

Thank for the rapid response. I apologize, I do not see what I am missing. I saw that rule and understand the color situation for February, but I don't see why Red is forced into Line 3 of January if Line 1 for February is Red. From what I understand from the posted explanation, 2/6 lines must be red. According to that inference, if Line 1 of February is red, Line 1 of January must be Green/Yellow, Line 2 of January is Purple, Line 3 for January must be Red, Line 3 for February must be Green, and Line 2 for February must be Yellow. Creating the Following Template...

Feb: R Y G
Jan: G/Y P R
1 2 3

In this same instance, why couldn't Lines 1, 2, and 3 for January be Green, Purple and Yellow, respectively, in which case there would only be one Red Set in the game?

I hope this helps better explain my confusion.


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