LSAT and Law School Admissions Forum

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General questions relating to law school or law school admissions.
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I just recently took the February LSAT and I had a feeling I didn't do as hot. I want to apply this cycle but I'm not sure what to do. I've already registered for the June LSAT for my retake, I guess my question is, should I still apply and inform each law school that I'm applying to that I will be retaking it or would they automatically know? My issue there is I'm afraid they'll reject me before I get the chance to retake it. I know that once they close an application, they're closed. What should i do from here?
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 Dave Killoran
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I'm very sorry to hear it didn't go well :(

You should let each school know that you are taking June, that way there's no uncertainty over whether they get the message. Perhaps not all of them will wait for those results, but at least they will have the option of waiting. That way, if they'll take the June results they'll hold you, and if they don't, then they will make their decision,. Tehre's not much you can do in the latter case, but at least you will have given them the option.

Good luck!
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How would I go about informing the schools about my retake?
 Emily Haney-Caron
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Hi kdao17,

Generally, you'd do that by reaching out to the admissions office at the school. Each website should have information about how applicants can contact the office.

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