- Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:39 pm
I listened to Adam Tyson's advice regarding i think too much about my viewstamp analysis, so I tried to simplify as much as I could.
Viewpoints: many educators in us and Canada (v1) (1-3)
Modest proposal of education reform (v2) (3-9)
Proponents in multicultural education (v3) (9-14)
First propasals critics (15-24)
2nd version propoents in multicutural education (25-38)
Author: 58-61.
1st para, Intro 2 perspectives related to
1st: how multicultural education should be understood and taught.
2nd perspective, moderate proposals: such value should be taught from the majority culture
2nd Para: critic's argument: refracted by distorted perspectives though looking at other people’s culture; also pointless looking at other culture thought majority culture.
3rd para: 2nd version of how multiculturalism should be taught is introduced, adaptations neutral stance and methodology. But the methodology to analyze are adapted from the western academic value
4th para: critics of 2nd perspective: methodology already is from western thinking product. Therefore 2nd version is not that much different from the 1st perspective.
Author: adapting the methodology from non-western way, and non-scientific manner is necessary and would lead to the real understanding of multicultural can be achieved.
Tone: Euro cultural chauvinism (L57) describing badly about European mannerism
Arguments: Arguments from each perspective are pretty much well contained in my structure analysis.
MP: I really could not pinpoint any context here as MP lines or MP forming lines
Viewpoints: many educators in us and Canada (v1) (1-3)
Modest proposal of education reform (v2) (3-9)
Proponents in multicultural education (v3) (9-14)
First propasals critics (15-24)
2nd version propoents in multicutural education (25-38)
Author: 58-61.
1st para, Intro 2 perspectives related to
1st: how multicultural education should be understood and taught.
2nd perspective, moderate proposals: such value should be taught from the majority culture
2nd Para: critic's argument: refracted by distorted perspectives though looking at other people’s culture; also pointless looking at other culture thought majority culture.
3rd para: 2nd version of how multiculturalism should be taught is introduced, adaptations neutral stance and methodology. But the methodology to analyze are adapted from the western academic value
4th para: critics of 2nd perspective: methodology already is from western thinking product. Therefore 2nd version is not that much different from the 1st perspective.
Author: adapting the methodology from non-western way, and non-scientific manner is necessary and would lead to the real understanding of multicultural can be achieved.
Tone: Euro cultural chauvinism (L57) describing badly about European mannerism
Arguments: Arguments from each perspective are pretty much well contained in my structure analysis.
MP: I really could not pinpoint any context here as MP lines or MP forming lines