- Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:38 pm
Author (L 1-13) (20 - 31) 35-38, 55- 64
Advocates’ professional organizations (L 11-14)
Floretine Guild of Lawyers (14-16)
Dissaistified Client (17-20)
English civil law courts : ( L 31 - 35)
Ecclesiastical advoctes ( L 38 - 41)
Church Authorities by the mid-14th century : (L 44-47)
Council of Basel mid-14th century (L 47-51)
England, some complains towards cannon lawyers : (L 51 - 54)
(Trap of many asserted viewpoints)
Structure: P1: Mid-14th century, despite the expectation professional associates would a prominent role in enforcing high level of standard, cannon lawyers guilds did not including florentine guild of lawyers.
P2: two possible explanations for disciplinary proceedings are rare 1) medical cannon lawyers observed the professional standards scrupulously. 2) the enforcing mechanism was inefficient and most escaped without much trouble.
P3. explain the english civil law courts and ecclesiastical advocates by the two theories in P2: Also, In English civila law courts, civil courts functioned better than the church courts. Ecclesial advocases were less ethical failures than civil courts is a weak argument. (Trap of CC)
P4. church authorities included council of basel and in England medieval church records (with extremely rich records) show that there were huge complainings about cannon lawyers Not meeting the ethical standards and shortcoming of these canon lawyers
P5. criticisms to these cannon lawyers actually bore the result of these cannon lawyers to adhere self-defense , defending themselves against attacks by nonprofessionals.
Tone: author is critical towards professional cannon lawyers. Somewhat negative, but not too negative towards cannon lawyers.
Author is also Somewhat Cynical to cannon lawyer’s virtue (the alternative inference, namely, that ecclesiastical advocates were less prone to ethical lapses than their counterparts in the civil courts, seems inherently weak)
Arguments: author, so many records and research indicates that the middle 14th century cannon lawyers failed to meet a decent level ethical standard; many cannon lawyer professional organizations in europe also failed to regulate for the cannon lawyers to behave with a standard.
Another arguments, other viewpoints I mentioned, i fail to see any viewpoints to have premises, conclusions in their views.
MP: the argument i just mentioned is pretty much the MP of this RC