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On page 381 of the LRB, in the Assumption Questions section there is a stimulus with a conditional conclusion that states: "Therefore, the only effective way to reduce such emissions is to replace the conventional diesel fuel and gasoline used in automobiles with cleaner-burning fuels, such as methanol, that create fewer emissions."

In this case, doesn't the necessary indicator "only" modify "reduce such emissions", turning it into the necessary condition?

I diagrammed the conditional statement as: "replace conventional diesel fuels..."→ "reduce such emissions" but in the book it is the other way around: "reduce..."→"replace..."

If anyone could shed some light on this it would be greatly appreciated!
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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hi RL3,

Thanks for the question! In this case, "only" actually modifies "way" (which refers to replacement) so that is what's tripping you up. But, this is also a question that has come up a lot, so we've talked about it extensively here on this forum:

lsat/viewtopic.php?t=2479&p=6393 — a discussion of this problem specifically; check out Nikki's reply two below mine there as well, as it talks about "the only" which is also in play here.

Please let me know if that helps. Thanks!

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