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Hi. Just Hoping/ dying to know actually

whether Powerscore will provide the usual Graceful and Angel alike mode of answering as much Qs from the Powerscore Students prior to the June 11th LSAT.

Two, I was wondering and this answer by you guys would also influence significantly whether I might take July 21 New-Experimental LSAT, You guys will try to answer as many Qs possibly you can prior to July 21st New Experimental LSAT as you guys usually do with grace and angel alike heart.
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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Lathlee,

We're trying to answer as many as possible, but the rate of questions we receive has become so high that even with 4 people answering at various times daily, we don't always keep up. So, the priority we use will always be for questions that are on unanswered problems first, then questions on problems that have already been replied to previously. How clear the question is and how easily we can understand what is being asked also play a role. If we can't immediately determine what is being asked, or if there are many tangled questions in one post, those usually get pushed down the line a bit :-D

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That's great news for Powerscore and happy for others realizing that AT WORST, Powerscore is one of the best resource available for almost all LSAT test takers. Sad News for someone like who pretty much relies on Powerscore materials exclusively to prepare a LSAT
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BTW, Dave and others, I will most likely write July 2018 LSAT given that I already paid for it. So it will be nice if you guys do not forget to answer my questions cuz I haven't given up yet my journey HaHa.
 Jon Denning
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Hi lathlee - we haven't forgotten about you! We just have a ton of users on here, most of whom are newer (fewer than 10-15 posts) so we have to give them a fair amount of attention to "spread the love," as it were.

So when we have a user like yourself with over 500 posts, the vast majority of which have received comprehensive answers, it isn't really just to keep giving that person the same amount of daily attention that a user with only a couple of posts deserves: that new user has gotten only a few hours from us, where someone with the highest post count in the history of this Forum (congrats btw!) has gotten literally days and days and days—I'd wager well over 100 hours, honestly, and that's probably still conservative—worth of free assistance here.

So two pieces of advice, which you've probably heard before from Dave but that definitely bear repeating:

..... 1. Please be patient and understand that we're doing our best to help everyone in the manner that's
..... most reasonable and fair! But newer users have to take priority to balance the total help given per person.

..... 2. Please ONLY post the MOST pressing of questions, and in the clearest possible fashion/language, as that will
..... help us ensure that we prioritize your inquiries appropriately!

Thanks again for your patience and I'm excited for you about the July test!

  • Posts: 652
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Thank you always :) and will do what you advised me to do, Jon :)

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