Try diagramming the conditional relationships here, akanshachandra, and things will become clear. In the stimulus, we have these relationships:
Premise: If CC&F (combine commuter and freight)
SS (service suffers)
Conclusion: SR (successful railroad)
CC&F (don't combine - do just one)
How do we get to the conclusion that you should not combine? Use the contrapositive of the first claim:
(if your service does not suffer, it proves that you did not combine commuter and freight services)
Link that contrapositive to the conclusion:
This is your prephrase of the missing link, which the author must have assumed: If you are a successful railroad, your service does not suffer. Now you can put the whole thing together and you get this conditional chain, which gets you to your conclusion nicely:
Answer C matches this prephrase, and that's why it is correct. Using the "Unless Equation", answer C makes serving customers well (which is like saying service does not suffer) a necessary condition, and being a successful railroad business is sufficient, which is what we just diagrammed as our missing link!
Answer D could be diagrammed this way:
(Saying that they concentrate just on commuter service is one way of saying they do not combine commuter and freight, right?) This is a mistaken reversal of the conclusion, meaning that it simply reversed the order of the terms without also negating them. Our author definitely did not assume this, nor is this mistaken reversal helpful in establishing our conclusion because it's backwards. Beware these reversals, as well as their ugly cousin, the mistaken negation (where you only negate the terms but leave them in their original order, which is bad logic).
Keep working on your conditional statement diagrams, and practice drawing them all out until you get so good at them that you no longer have to draw them to see them clearly in your mind. Be careful, and when in doubt, draw it out!
Adam M. Tyson
PowerScore LSAT, GRE, ACT and SAT Instructor
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