LSAT and Law School Admissions Forum

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General questions relating to law school or law school admissions.
  • Posts: 6
  • Joined: Jun 20, 2018
While I realize this is probably a popular topic, I haven't seen an adequate answer to my particular question. I've read that the general rule of thumb for taking advantage of rolling admissions is to have your applications out before thanksgiving. However, I noticed that while some school release their applications in October, some (namely, NYU and Columbia) release theirs September 1. For September 1 applications, submitting right before Thanksgiving seems a little late. I'm really targeting NYU and Columbia, but my plan is to send off all my applications on or around October 15th. Is that too late? Or should I really be sending out my NYU and Columbia apps before the end of September?
 Adam Tyson
PowerScore Staff
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That is not too late, niaquino, and in fact those schools will continue to accept and review applications, and admit students off those applications, until early next year. NYU, for example, will still be taking applications for binding early admission until mid-November, and regular applications into February.

Submit your application when you are ready to submit your BEST application, and no sooner. Don't rush, but take your time to make sure your personal statement is done right and that all the other components, including any addenda that you might need, are polished. Mid-October is plenty early, and should give you lots of time to make sure you have all your ducks in a row.

Good luck!

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