T.B.Justin wrote:The January 2019 is undisclosed per LSAC at the moment.
Any thoughts on what to expect?
Hi T.B.,
It's too early yet to make that prediction (at least with any specificity like we did with July and September). Specifically, there is no way to tell what they will do since we are still multiple tests out, and we have the October international LSAT as well as the November exam and November Sabbath exam still to come. That's three different LSATs before we get to January, and what they do in the interim completely changes the playing field as far as what they have available in January.
After we see what they do with the November tests we'll have a better sense of their options and we will certainly discuss our thoughts on it in advance of that January LSAT. Sorry I can't be more helpful yet but at the moment our comments would be too general to elicit a whole lot of value at the moment.