- Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:00 am
Complete Question Explanation
Must Be True-SN. The correct answer choice is (A)
The stimulus consists solely of observations, making it a “fact set.”
Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer choice. Probably, books of no historical significance will not receive the treatment, which means that their pages will self-destruct. The deterioration may not involve the binding directly, but it is reasonable to view books with destroyed pages as in some sense completely deteriorated.
Answer choice (B): This choice is very similar to the correct choice, but since you should not assume that almost all of the books from the past 150 years have no historical significance, you should not conclude that almost all of the books will destroy themselves. It is fairly reasonable to believe that most of the books will destroy themselves, but not that almost all of the books will destroy themselves.
Answer choice (C): The stimulus supports that untreated books made of acidic paper will deteriorate, not the Mistaken Reversal that any book that deteriorates is made of acidic paper. This response does not follow, and is incorrect.
Answer choice (D): The stimulus stated that the technique would probably be applied only to books with historic significance. That is loosely conditional, claiming that usually “technique used
historical significance.” This choice renders a Mistaken Reversal, “historical significance
technique used,” so this choice does not follow, and is incorrect.
Answer choice (E): Since the stimulus states that the environment in which the book is kept can affect how long it takes its pages to deteriorate, it does not make sense to conclude that all of the books published in 1900 should be in roughly the same state of deterioration.
Must Be True-SN. The correct answer choice is (A)
The stimulus consists solely of observations, making it a “fact set.”
- 1. Almost all books published in the past 150 years used acidic paper.
2. Acidic paper self-destructs.
3. Storage in cool, dry environments slows the destruction.
4. Treatments to de-acidify paper will probably only be applied to books with historic significance.
Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer choice. Probably, books of no historical significance will not receive the treatment, which means that their pages will self-destruct. The deterioration may not involve the binding directly, but it is reasonable to view books with destroyed pages as in some sense completely deteriorated.
Answer choice (B): This choice is very similar to the correct choice, but since you should not assume that almost all of the books from the past 150 years have no historical significance, you should not conclude that almost all of the books will destroy themselves. It is fairly reasonable to believe that most of the books will destroy themselves, but not that almost all of the books will destroy themselves.
Answer choice (C): The stimulus supports that untreated books made of acidic paper will deteriorate, not the Mistaken Reversal that any book that deteriorates is made of acidic paper. This response does not follow, and is incorrect.
Answer choice (D): The stimulus stated that the technique would probably be applied only to books with historic significance. That is loosely conditional, claiming that usually “technique used

Answer choice (E): Since the stimulus states that the environment in which the book is kept can affect how long it takes its pages to deteriorate, it does not make sense to conclude that all of the books published in 1900 should be in roughly the same state of deterioration.