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 Dave Killoran
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Setup and Rule Diagram Explanation

This is an Advanced Linear: Balanced game.

The game scenario establishes that six workshops will be given at a community center over three days, one each morning and one each afternoon:
The first and second rules are similar, and both create blocks. The first rule establishes that J is given in the morning, on the same day as K or Q, and thus creates a side J Not Law that can be shown on the afternoon row. The second rule establishes that R is given in the afternoon, on the same day as N or S, and thus creates a side R Not Law that can be shown on the morning row.
The interaction of the first two rules leads to an interesting inference:
  • The first two rules create two blocks which jointly address all six variables, with four of the variables appearing in two dual-options (K/Q and N/S). Since the two blocks must fully occupy two of the three days, the “remaining” variables must occupy the third day. In this case, the remaining variables are Q/K from the first rule, and S/N from the second rule. However, there is no way to know which is the variable in the morning, and which is the variable in the afternoon. Hence, the block is circled to indicate that uncertainty:
The third rule creates a sequence based on days (and not on morning/afternoon slots):
This rule eliminates Q from being given on Friday, and eliminates K and N from being given on Wednesday. In addition, because K or Q must be given on the same day as J, Q cannot be given on Thursday morning. This occurs because if Q were given on Thursday morning, then both K and N would be given on Friday, leaving J to be given on Wednesday afternoon, and that cannot occur because per the first rule J cannot be given in the afternoon. Thus, Q must be given on Wednesday morning or afternoon, or Thursday afternoon. The information above results in the following setup:
Note that Q is the most restricted variable, and bears further examination. Placing Q on Thursday afternoon creates the most limited result: if Q is given on Thursday afternoon, from the third rule K and N must be given on Friday, in either position. From the first rule J must then be given on Thursday morning. Finally, from the second rule, R must be given on Wednesday afternoon, leaving S to be given on Wednesday morning.
Finally, note that due to the Not Laws, Wednesday morning and Wednesday afternoon are both restricted to triple-options: Wednesday morning must be J, Q, or S, and Wednesday afternoon must be Q, R, or S.
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Hi there!

In the June 2010 Prep Test (#60), Section II/ Game 1: Is there any way to do that one without trying out each choice given? I cannot think of another way and feel that I must be missing something?

 David Boyle
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Jiya wrote:Hi there!

In the June 2010 Prep Test (#60), Section II/ Game 1: Is there any way to do that one without trying out each choice given? I cannot think of another way and feel that I must be missing something?

Hello Jiya,

It sounds like you need a setup, and that you are having some problems with the game. Fortunately, there is a setup available for this game on the online student center.
Before you go there, though, try the game out again. Use the first two rules to try to make blocks, e.g., Jewelry goes with such and such. Then use the third rule to interact with the first two rules and any blocks, and you may find more blocks or inferences can be made.
That all should help you solve the game fairly quickly. If there are further problems, feel free to ask further questions (especially if the online setup at the student center somehow does not help). Good luck,

Hope this helps,
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I don't understand why Q cannot be given on Th morning. This is a scenario where it can be given and I do not see how it violates any of the other rules:




Please let me know
 Luke Haqq
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Hi abotros!

If Q were given on Thursday morning, then both K and N would be given on Friday, leaving J to be given on Wednesday afternoon, and that cannot occur because per the first rule J cannot be given in the afternoon. Thus, Q must be given on Wednesday morning or afternoon, or Thursday afternoon.

To your specific diagram, it seems to me like that setup would work--if it weren't for the specific phrasing of the game's rules:
  • "Quilting must be given on an earlier day than both Kite-making and Needlepoint."
Your diagram would work if the rule was just "Q occurs earlier than K and N," as opposed to occurring specifically on an earlier day.

Hope that helps!
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oh that was tricky! thanks for the help, Luke!
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I am Alberto good morning,
I need an answewrs to setup and questions specifically on: pretest 60 game #1 please? Thank you.

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 Stephanie Oswalt
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Hi Alberto,

I have moved your post to the thread discussing the topic. Please review the explanation listed above.

You can also find a discussion of all the other questions here: lsat/viewforum.php?f=139

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any additional questions!
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Good evening this Alberto and I Just saw the post and I will have further questions soon. I did the set up fine I am becoming more efficient but I become stuck at these types of games when I do not know where to place the variables when its a sort of a pattern like game situation and you helped by making the days of the week wed thur fri the base where the not laws can occur I did not think of that because I am used to a particular way of setup. Thank you and I hope I perform well
but I do become nervous and I need to be more deliberate and confident. I read and practice more.

The method of reasoning and point of issue: my brief question is: Take the contrapositive? I mean their is something agree or disagree a commonality so I looking for what was disagree or agree on by the second speaker? The response I see like the opposite of the first so I look for the contrapositive of that in the answer choice right? In method of reasoning I used the diagram of formal logic like the some all most train I read over today Jan 24th in chapter 13 ? Respectfully please elaborate more on method of reasoning and when mixed with the point of issue and principle questions what are the clues i need to be aware of? Formal logic in the logical reasoning text why that answer #6 problem page 461 chapter 13 Formal logic problem set?
The example problem in chapter 14 method of reasoning page 478 explain elaborate respectfully why was that answer E and not D? I am proud I caught those words:What's more.... thanks to POWERSCORE, list of indicators and such but i did not take it further in the correct direction but I am achieving slowly, i will get it soon. Please explain and good night and thank you.
 Erik Christensen
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Alberto, I'm glad to hear that you feel now as if you understand the setup to this logic game. Don't hesitate to ask any more questions. :-D


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