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 Dave Killoran
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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?f=164&p=88024#p88024)

The correct answer choice is (B).

The local condition in this question establishes that R and V are on the same team. From the first rule, we can then infer that M must be teamed with G. The only two remaining variables—L and S—must also then be teamed together.

From the second rule, L must prepare an opening argument, and so S must then prepare a closing argument. The other two teams of law students do not allow for a determination of which student prepares which argument, and so the correct answer is two, and answer choice (B) is correct.
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Isn't the only student who've argument we can determine L because he/she can only do opening argument and the other team members can alternate within their group?
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 Dave Killoran
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Hi A.T.,

Here's a full explanation, just for anyone else who is looking at this question:
  • The local condition in this question establishes that R and V are on the same team. From the first rule, we can then infer that M must be teamed with G. The only two remaining variables—L and S—must also then be teamed together.

    From the second rule, L must prepare an opening argument, and so S must then prepare a closing argument. The other two teams of law students do not allow for a determination of which student prepares which argument, and so the correct answer is two, and answer choice (B) is correct.
Please let me know if that helps. Thanks!
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It does. I completely ignored the placement for S. my mistakes have been careless at this point, which is really frustrating.
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 Dave Killoran
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destaat wrote:It does. I completely ignored the placement for S. my mistakes have been careless at this point, which is really frustrating.
Those are frustrating, but there is a silver lining: the errors you are making are self-inflicted, and not the product of an inability to answer the questions. If you simply didn't have the wherewithal to answer the questions, you'd be dead in the water. But, with these careless mistakes, you know that you can ultimately get the question correct.
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I made such a huge mistake here. I just want to cry. I placed the R in the opening position and mistakenly proceeded as if R MUST have been placed as the opening speaker which erroneously led me to mistakenly infer that G MUST then be placed as the final speaker and so on.

Thanks for the explanation above.
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 Dave Killoran
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haganskl wrote:I made such a huge mistake here. I just want to cry. I placed the R in the opening position and mistakenly proceeded as if R MUST have been placed as the opening speaker which erroneously led me to mistakenly infer that G MUST then be placed as the final speaker and so on.

Thanks for the explanation above.
Hi H,

Don't get too down about this! Mistakes happen, and the key thing is to learn from them. Making an error like this will help you to not make it again in the future, so take this as an early blessing—far better for this to happen now while you can learn from it than on the real test :-D

By the way, if you ever need a pick me up when studying for this test, check out the Mentality tagged articles on our blog: We talk a lot about positive attitudes and dealing with adversity there!

Good luck!
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I appreciate this!

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