Another great benefit of this additional room is how you are able to address local questions. With so much extra space, you are able to draw a simplified diagram for every local question (just keep an awareness of time while doing so).
A couple of quick tips for utilizing local diagrams:
- Identify the diagram by question number and, where applicable, by local condition (e.g,. For a question such as, "12. If L is not second, which of the following could be true?", label your new diagram with: "12. L2:")
- To simplify these diagrams, omit certain details that were included in your main diagram (e.g., initial not laws) and focus on new constraints
- Remember to take advantage of local diagrams on future questions with similar conditions or constraints
- If your diagram disconfirms a possibility, simply cross it out rather than erasing it
We're all quite excited about this change and we suspect all of you are, too.