Hi OldTimer
Thanks for the questions! Here are some thoughts for you:
OldTimer wrote:Now that the Oct LSAT is behind us I'm beginning the application process. Can anyone give me some advice as to the number of schools I should apply to? There really is only 1 school that will work with my career, family and business obligations, however I've heard multiple times I should apply at several schools to give me leverage for the financial negotiations should I be accepted.
This is indeed a legitimate strategy, as long as the other schools you apply to are either ranked similarly, or are somewhat ranked higher. In other words, you can't use the 75th ranked school to negotiate with the 25th ranked school, nut you could use the 60th ranked school to negotiate with the 75th ranked school.
OldTimer wrote:I have somewhat of a moral dilemma possibly playing schools against each other knowing in advance that there really is only 1 option, however I also have a spousal dilemma paying full tuition. Any advice would be appreciated.
I understand your dilemma, but let me add this thought: if the positions were reversed, the schools would have no qualm about charging your the maximum they can. This isn't a moral question in my opinion, but simply cold hard financial facts. If you go $300K into debt, the school won't be there to pay it off, so it's actually your obligation to do anything within your power (that's legal) to minimize your debt. And who knows, maybe you fall in love with one of those other schools and find out that is where you were meant to be. So, in short, I greatly respect you thinking about the issue from a fairness/moral standpoint, but to be entirely honest I think you do yourself a disservice to not "play the game" the way every one else does (including the schools).
I hope that helps. Thanks!